26 May, 2006


It's here !!!!!!!
We were on our way out to the marina to check out the berth when the owner rung to say he had arrived, at least a day early, so YE HAH. Let the adventure begin, well, begin with cleaning, rust killing, scrubbing etc. Anyway it's here and we will move on to it Monday then we can give you a proper update. Oh and of course Heather hadn't seen it before and thankfully the admiral is happy.
Till later Shane and Heath


Anonymous said...

Shane, I just had a horrible thought. If you are heading North and need to make a course correction to the East, then who is going to be there to "cough" to remind you to update the GPS? My god, you could end up at the North Pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Glad all is going well for you, great to keep up to date, looking forward to the party in the Meditteranean

Anonymous said...

Barry & Wendy said
Good to here you have the boat.
Wendy & I have just finished supervising a Landmark Forum together. Wendy scored an 89 and i scored a 90, we had a fantastic course together and i got partnership with the forum leader as a way of "BEING"
Have a great time and will email you again soon!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather, Shane

Good to hear the boat came through for you in the end. Hope all is well out there in the wild blue yonder.

Stu, Merridy & Jack