After considering 30 plus boats in two countries from Picton to Tutakaka and from the Gold Coast to Gladstone, plus considering boats in Vanuatu, LA and the Caribean, here it is………. home. And as it turned out it is at home , well Whangarei actually, but he will deliever it to Brisbane for us early May. Are we HAPPY!!!! This boats comes with so much gear it’s ludicrous, from windvane steering to water makers, yes two of them, one fixed and one portable one for the life raft, just serviced. It’s got acres of storage not to mention the 7’8” long rear berth for us. Your one’s fine as well and you have your own private head and good storage. So, here’s some photos of the soon to be “ENZWELL”

Now I must admit that the photos are pretty complimentery, it’s not that it’s that bad, but the photos don’t pick up little marks and stuff. It does also need a bit of work on some surface rust areas topsides and in the bilges, but it has been surveyed and it’s all managable so I guess we’ll be out with wire brushes and stuff in our spare time, and we do have a bit of that.
Brisbane continues to be hot and sunny, we check the weather forecasts daily to see if it’s going to be fine and 26 degrees or fine and 30 degrees. Got some transport in the weekend. Brought one mountain bike for $20 and the owners of the motel we are staying at had an old one left behind so gave us that. Thanks guys. It was a bit sad but after pumping up the tyres and fitting a new brake cable, away we went. It makes such a difference to be freely mobile and Brissy is a great city to bike around, very little wind or hills. Could be a bit tricky cycling with suitcases and luggage to the boat though, maybe we’ll lash out a get a taxi. So about four weeks and we should be on the water.
Don't want to rain on your parade but Mum's inherited superstition pursues you across the seas.
Confused? Shall I get to the point?
It's just that...mmmm..it's baaad luuucck!! to change a boat's name.
Look what happened to Shackleton. Renamed his ship and called it 'Endurance' and it ended up crushed to firewood in the ice pack.
Now you have a nice day, y'hear. :-)
Not if you dance naked clockwise around the mast pole intoning the chant ........... bugger, I forgot it!!. Never mind, what did Shackleton know anyway??!! S & H
As far as I can tell, if you stay away from the South Pole then there should be no problem. So I guess there will be no problem. Besides I was there when you started doing your navigation caculations and I dont think you could find the South Pole.
Looks great. Apparently banana's are good luck on boat that have had there name changed. Oh and there is nothing wrong with a little private head. On the whole very jealous.....Mike G
You obviously aren't aware of the price of bananas here - up to $12 a kilo (due to cyclone damaging most of the banana plantations!). But will keep that in mind .....!
Hi Heather, Nice looking boat what is her name? I have a new family member too - a new horse called Lady! All is well her. Love, Mole xox
Well with the amount of shit you have been thru changing the name of a boat would be like falling out of a tower,you may be upside down for a wee while but you will end up on your feet! Mate you have a few rusty marks on the outside but it is what is in the inside that counts,happy sailing!
Hi you two, IT STARTS!! Great!
Also great to have your Blog so as I can check on you both every now and then. Boat looks bloody marvellous and with a bed that big you'll be able to share it with the odd friendly dolphin that come around for a pat! Hope you've started a plus account on your Visa card to solve all your cash withdrawals problems. I see your mate Chris says it's bad luck to change a boat's name. Hey, they DIDN'T change the Titanic's name and look what happened to that....!
May your sailings be safe and the wind always be behind you.
Cheers from a Lake sailor. Doug.
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