"Better to die with memories than dreams"
The adventures of Heather and Shane on the sea.
09 March, 2007
OK, I think these are the pictures that where missing ???? Some bright spark has changed the system for putting the photos on the blog so bare with us till we get a bit sorted.
01 March, 2007
OK Sorry folks, it appears that the photos haven't come through, must be some mice in the new "Blogger" system. We will get them there when we can. Now in Wellington catching up with you all which is a real treat, but......"S..T" it's cold after Aus.
Heather: Grew up in Wellington and Hastings ( NZ) 26 year career investigating people, Police, CIB, then fraud investigator for telecommunications Co. Completed first marathon in Oct 05,under 4 hours (Yeah!!) Not sure how training at sea will go, think I'll get sick of doing laps around the boat? Do look forward to doing marathons in lots of exotic locations.
Shane: 31 years a firefighter, father to 4 and grandad to 1. Love the water, under, over, through and frozen as snow. Looking forward to living on it. Feel truly blessed finding a partner in Heather who is game to take on this adventure when her and the sea aren't really the best of mates. "Life is nothing at all if not a great adventure"